Monday, July 14, 2008


-Your vaguely Anglo-Scandinavian village, Boothearth, is in a valley surrounded by treacherous mountains on three sides. To the West there is open passage out of the valley through some foothills. Otherwise a crescent of mountains surrounds your home. Your village is one of three in the valley which are separated by two ice fed rivers which converge in the middle of the valley and flow as one out to the West.

The city is controlled by a patrician who is bound by a strong enchantment to act in the best interests of the city and the scepter of the city confers both a small amount of magical power and the compulsion to keep the best interests of the many in mind. In any situation he will make the decision which benefits the greater good. He also knows one week previous to his death that it is time to quietly give over the scepter.

The other two villages are Bangor and Boorbok.

Boorbok is interesting as it is mostly populated by goblins, kobolds and other monsters. The people of the towns made peace with the goblins and kobolds of the region as a way of stopping the warring between the two peoples. When the wars between the two stopped they slowly migrated into the towns and were marginalized into the less exciting and resource rich town on the southern side of the valley. It was once Leehaven but has since changed to Boorbok.

The two peoples are still led by their respective kings who keep them in line on the streets. The goblin king rules over (roughly) the northern side of the city and the Kobold overlord keeps track of the southern side through his underlings. The two together serve as representatives to the Moot.

Bangor is largely mad up of elves. The interesting thing about Bangor is that it is one of the few places in the world where exiled Drow tend to collect. Their area of the city is darker and slightly more violent than the rest but is still surprisingly nice. The drow of this valley are reformed and, compared to their kin, entirely benevolent. They get along well with the understanding and charitable elves of Bangor through serving a sort of penance by being the elite strike force of the city. Whenever the cities are threatened the squad of drow are sent first to break up the threat or serve as scouts.

They are led by a small council of elders with a Theurge at it's head. He serves as the city's sole representative to the Moot.

The surrounding mountains are full of evil monsters, orcs and giants most prevalently.

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