Monday, July 14, 2008

House Rules

Generation related.
-When you roll your stats you may roll seven dice and drop one.
-Any ranks in spot or listen count for both. If you have a racial modifier or other specific modifier for one or the other that does not carry over. The average of the two modifiers will be your "sense" or "awareness" modifier. This will take into account all five of your senses in one roll for noticing things. If you want to specifically look or listen for something you may do that with a higher modifier (if you have it) but otherwise I will expect you to be using more than one sense when trying to sense things.
-I do attempt to use all of the skills so if your character should be able to use rope you'd better take some ranks in it. Same for Ride, Swim and Handle Animal.

-If the die is not on the table the roll is invalid. Even if it crits.
-Unique magic items are not necessarily bound by standard mechanics.
-If the GM decrees it the book can be wrong.

This list may be amended.

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