Thursday, July 24, 2008

Session Two Recap

The people of the valley came together for the third time in our history for a moot. The Patrician of Boothearth, the Goblin King and The Kobold Overlord from Boorbok, and the Elven Chief Elder from Bangor came together to hear distressing news.

A skulk scout from the guard of Bangor was lucky enough to be present for the beginning of a meeting of the leaders of the local orc tribes. He told the people of the valley of the meeting crowded with orcs. The meeting was presided over by a large orc in black armour with a large black amulet on his chest and a glowing red sword. He called on the assembled orcs to band together in the name of Gruumish to claim the land in the valley as their own.

After the report the patrician called upon the assembled people of the valley to volunteer to help neutralize the threat. Only four stood forward from their fellows to fight. What the town could give was volunteered but nothing could be provided more than what the brave heroes possessed already.

After some searching the heroes planned to visit the local giants encampment to try to enlist the help of their king. It also came out that an assassin had been hired from the town By the orcs of Norpeak to kill the warlord of Southpeak. The rumour is that not all of the tribes have agreed to the unified orc crusade for Gruumish.

Each of the valley's leaders gave what they had to help persuade the giant king. Four great artifacts came out of hiding a magically cold spearhead, a magically warm lump of metal, a spear shaft and a rock with a button on it. The town also provided six of it's finest as an honour guard. With the exception of an encounter with an orc warband which killed half of the guard the trip was uneventful.

The giant king was impressed with the plan and the gifts and agreed to fight against the orcs provided the adveturers take care of the orcs of Southpeak who have been a thorn in the giant king's side. The artifacts came together into one large piece the metal going inside the stone, the shaft attaching to that and the spearhead attaching to the other end of the shaft. the artifact was then placed on a boulder where it wobbled. When it stopped wobbling the giants cried out with joy, "six more months of winter". They then gave the heroes a place to sleep the night.

Session called-
No levels gained.
Total loot: 11GP, ponies all around, assorted orc weapons, one large cloak and a barmaid.

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