Wednesday, July 30, 2008

Thoughts as we move forward.

I will reiterate all of this at tonight's game but I would like to make it official here.

-As far as I know we will be losing Jake on the 22nd as he goes back to Beloit. The rest of us though are going to be here for a while so I will endeavor to bring the current story to a close on the week of the 20th. From there I would be happy to continue in a weekly game either in an episodic format, starting a new campaign or if one of you would like, under new management. Basically I'm setting that week as the week in which things change in whatever way.

For my part, I would love to have you guys remain as an itinerant party of adventurers.

-We will no longer be expecting the local priestess to join the party. Her duties in the temple have kept her from adventuring. Not to worry though, you will still run into her.

Thursday, July 24, 2008

Session Two Recap

The people of the valley came together for the third time in our history for a moot. The Patrician of Boothearth, the Goblin King and The Kobold Overlord from Boorbok, and the Elven Chief Elder from Bangor came together to hear distressing news.

A skulk scout from the guard of Bangor was lucky enough to be present for the beginning of a meeting of the leaders of the local orc tribes. He told the people of the valley of the meeting crowded with orcs. The meeting was presided over by a large orc in black armour with a large black amulet on his chest and a glowing red sword. He called on the assembled orcs to band together in the name of Gruumish to claim the land in the valley as their own.

After the report the patrician called upon the assembled people of the valley to volunteer to help neutralize the threat. Only four stood forward from their fellows to fight. What the town could give was volunteered but nothing could be provided more than what the brave heroes possessed already.

After some searching the heroes planned to visit the local giants encampment to try to enlist the help of their king. It also came out that an assassin had been hired from the town By the orcs of Norpeak to kill the warlord of Southpeak. The rumour is that not all of the tribes have agreed to the unified orc crusade for Gruumish.

Each of the valley's leaders gave what they had to help persuade the giant king. Four great artifacts came out of hiding a magically cold spearhead, a magically warm lump of metal, a spear shaft and a rock with a button on it. The town also provided six of it's finest as an honour guard. With the exception of an encounter with an orc warband which killed half of the guard the trip was uneventful.

The giant king was impressed with the plan and the gifts and agreed to fight against the orcs provided the adveturers take care of the orcs of Southpeak who have been a thorn in the giant king's side. The artifacts came together into one large piece the metal going inside the stone, the shaft attaching to that and the spearhead attaching to the other end of the shaft. the artifact was then placed on a boulder where it wobbled. When it stopped wobbling the giants cried out with joy, "six more months of winter". They then gave the heroes a place to sleep the night.

Session called-
No levels gained.
Total loot: 11GP, ponies all around, assorted orc weapons, one large cloak and a barmaid.

Wednesday, July 16, 2008

Session one Recap

So we didn't get any game play done, which is to be expected but I think we all had a good time. Everyone now has a character with which to work. Everyone seems to have taken their sheets with them. You are hereby charged with keeping track of them. In future, if you wish, I can hold onto them.

I will update the cast section with what I can recall. Please send me a better description to throw up ASAP. This can be included with your 4 "3"s. Yes, I mean it. back stories would be super.

Monday, July 14, 2008

House Rules

Generation related.
-When you roll your stats you may roll seven dice and drop one.
-Any ranks in spot or listen count for both. If you have a racial modifier or other specific modifier for one or the other that does not carry over. The average of the two modifiers will be your "sense" or "awareness" modifier. This will take into account all five of your senses in one roll for noticing things. If you want to specifically look or listen for something you may do that with a higher modifier (if you have it) but otherwise I will expect you to be using more than one sense when trying to sense things.
-I do attempt to use all of the skills so if your character should be able to use rope you'd better take some ranks in it. Same for Ride, Swim and Handle Animal.

-If the die is not on the table the roll is invalid. Even if it crits.
-Unique magic items are not necessarily bound by standard mechanics.
-If the GM decrees it the book can be wrong.

This list may be amended.
How do you all feel about a sliding timeslot? Liz and Steve have complex schedules so we could discuss the time for the next week's meeting at each game. I can then record the decision here on the site for reference.

Also, Level five is where we're going to start (in 3.5 reckoning anyway) I'll keep you updated if we look like we might shift over. I'm still pricing the 4.0 books. This is so that we can get bigger monsters in the beginning, justify anyone choosing you to help them and to allow you to take a monster race/ class with a modest level adjustment.

1- What sort of character would you like to play?- weird characters are great. You are people who have come together under odd circumstances so I am going to place very few limitations on the types of characters available to you. Extraplanar? Sure. Monster class? Sure. Some sort of hybrid? Why the heck not. If you can justify the combination in chartacter I am more than happy to entertain Zombie Pirate Ninjas (though you may not be able to overcome the CR adjustment).

2- The threes, 3 desires, 3 fears, 3 allies, 3 enemies.

general stuff

I'd love to have the game in my apartment. An e-mail will go out containing the address. Alternately it is on my facebook profile. the place has plenty of space and, as far as I know, is fairly central for most of us. Also, it contains my resources which will, no doubt, be handy.

I'm cosidering running the campaign in 4.0 but will need to borrow the books until I find some of my own and you will have to bear with me while I learn the system along with you. I like that there are only three books to deal with most of all. Though be aware some stuff may show up which I will have cribbed from 3.5.


-Your vaguely Anglo-Scandinavian village, Boothearth, is in a valley surrounded by treacherous mountains on three sides. To the West there is open passage out of the valley through some foothills. Otherwise a crescent of mountains surrounds your home. Your village is one of three in the valley which are separated by two ice fed rivers which converge in the middle of the valley and flow as one out to the West.

The city is controlled by a patrician who is bound by a strong enchantment to act in the best interests of the city and the scepter of the city confers both a small amount of magical power and the compulsion to keep the best interests of the many in mind. In any situation he will make the decision which benefits the greater good. He also knows one week previous to his death that it is time to quietly give over the scepter.

The other two villages are Bangor and Boorbok.

Boorbok is interesting as it is mostly populated by goblins, kobolds and other monsters. The people of the towns made peace with the goblins and kobolds of the region as a way of stopping the warring between the two peoples. When the wars between the two stopped they slowly migrated into the towns and were marginalized into the less exciting and resource rich town on the southern side of the valley. It was once Leehaven but has since changed to Boorbok.

The two peoples are still led by their respective kings who keep them in line on the streets. The goblin king rules over (roughly) the northern side of the city and the Kobold overlord keeps track of the southern side through his underlings. The two together serve as representatives to the Moot.

Bangor is largely mad up of elves. The interesting thing about Bangor is that it is one of the few places in the world where exiled Drow tend to collect. Their area of the city is darker and slightly more violent than the rest but is still surprisingly nice. The drow of this valley are reformed and, compared to their kin, entirely benevolent. They get along well with the understanding and charitable elves of Bangor through serving a sort of penance by being the elite strike force of the city. Whenever the cities are threatened the squad of drow are sent first to break up the threat or serve as scouts.

They are led by a small council of elders with a Theurge at it's head. He serves as the city's sole representative to the Moot.

The surrounding mountains are full of evil monsters, orcs and giants most prevalently.