Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Session 25: The beginning of Arc 3

The adventurers, having been double crossed, decided that the best course of action would be to return to the surface to face the treacherous Ma'son Colborel, Patron of house Colborel of the Sun. On the return journey the party slowly becomes aware that their, or more accurately, Silas' reputation has preceded them. Ominous warnings have come from the surface that someone fears the return of our pint sized pain factory. The same message has passed many lips, "Silas the Destroyer is coming, Help us!" However, the party's deeds have ensured safe passage through the middledark and back to the surface. The Dracolisk armour also was completed. The party also came upon a white orc who was resting in Deephold. He had been sent from the surface to deliver Silas and his party to the aid of the valley. He has joined the party.

Upon arrival in the Glitterhame the party came across a mad orc messenger who, upon seeing Silas, delivered his long awaited message, "Silas, the Destroyer is coming, Help us!". It seems the all important comma was lost on its way into the underdark.

Finding their way to the Orc camp of North Peak the party found Donk, the orc priest who had sent for them. He has had a vision of a terror from the early days of the world known only as The Destroyer. Legend says:
"Before these dark times we ruled this valley. Then came The Destroyer. He tore into this valley and single-handedly ruined all that we had built. He began with our women and children. Then, to ensure his dominion, he offered them back to us at a cost, our minds. We burned fields of enemies and fought with the might of Gruumsh behind us. It was to no avail. His forces were unlimited. Gruumsh was angered by this degradation of his people. So he gave to us three stones of power. The stones each alone were a terrible weapon but it was for a greater purpose they were made. Gruumsh used them to kill the destroyer. He then set them each alone in the mountains to ensure our dominion of the valley."

After the discussion they met a young drow refugee. It seems in the influx of evil drow from below those true to the pact of the valley were driven here to the mountains. He joined the party.

The party thought over their options. When faced with a choice between an evil yet to come and an evil they can see their choice was clear. They would face Ma'son Colborel and wait for the destroyer to rear his head.

In a ballsy attempt, the party made to enter the fortress of Colborel of the Sun in what was once the proud city of Boorbock.

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