Friday, January 23, 2009

Session 24 recap

Following the untimely death of Xander Abaer The party worked their way into the Drow City of Alberazole. After actually very little deliberation they mounted an attack on the city temple which led them quickly, thanks to a hidden door, to the mansion of the high Priestess.

The mansion consisted of a series of veiled chambers designed to impress the visitor. Our party was unimpressed. The final chamber was guarded by a golem version of one of the daughters of house Abaer who served as a gateway to the audience chamber of the Matron, a place only available through inter-dimensional travel.

Upon reaching the presence of the matron there was a brief interchange before the party was individually whisked away for personal tests. Some, as the matron had designed were sent to face monsters or puzzles where they would surely perish. Some, however, were intercepted by their deities. A handful of trans-dimensional totems guided the party to each other, making gateways in the air to other planes of being. Upon returning to the Matron's Chamber on the material plane The room was suddenly one deity fuller. Llolth manifested her presence to deliver a message to the Matron. A message of disgrace. It seems the matron has been tricked by the God Erythnul into being disloyal to Llolth. The Queen of webs is many things but forgiving is not among them. Erythnul himself manifested to gloat over his victory and as a deific argument was about to commence Smooth Pebble, favoured by her new god Heironeus, sanctified the room driving the angry deities from the place.
After learning that Matron Abaer no longer holds power in the city having lost it to the machinations of house Colborel. It seems our heros have been duped into giving control of both the upper valley and the City of Alberazole to the family Colborel.
Seizing the opportunity Kaa-Rus, newly powered with a an ugly hat of pennance from his Goddess, attacked the disgraced matron. The deific power of his goodliness me the power of her evil and in the charged atmosphere of Godly might destroyed the matron leaving nothing. The party was then transported back to the audience chamber where they learned that Matron Colborel has mounted an attack on the neaigboring drow city of Erelhei-Cinlu.

Will the party go back to the towns they left undefended or continue their journey down to exact vengeance on the Matron Colborel?

Loot so far: 8 trans-dimensional totems, Holy hat, piece of infinity, bag of gems
Levels gained: 1 (Party ECL 12)

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