Wednesday, August 13, 2008

Session Four Recap

And when we said Uurgoth's destruction what we actually meant was we'll go do something else.

The session began with character creation as we added Carrie, our new elf ranger.

The game began with more investigation of the local temples. As the group headed to a new temple they were surprised by an elf falling from a nearby window into the street. followed by three orcs. No extra points will be awarded for guessing the elf's identity. The orcs were chasing Sephora following a botched attempt to break into a local temple of Boccab. Further investigation revealed that the temple was home to a lost idol of Gruumsh. An ill advised request to the giants to have the idol removed ended up rocketing it into the mountains on the Northwest side of the valley. Having it safely out of the valley made the party feel a little better.

However, it came out that the orcs have been assembling a super weapon with the other two idols of Gruumsh. This revelation and the return of two battered drow with stories of the power of Uurgoth's weapon encouraged the party to look for yet more help. A trip to the Vale brought the party up against an undead hoard. Having come through the rigors of the journey the party met up with Yrgot the mighty, a half fiend of unspeakable power. His demeanor was friendly though Nameless told the party to that this was a fifty fifty chance. He gave the party tools to aid in the journey. The journey back out of the vale was uneventful.

Session Called-
No levels gained
Total Loot: Belt with arrow shaped buckle, Holy Symbol of Obad Hai, Double axe of Immobility, Rapier of Potentialities, 1 crossbow and bolts.

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