Tuesday, August 19, 2008

New Story, New Location, New Player.

So, I realize this is kinda going at things backwards and late since there's been no session recap from last time but more important than a recap is to tell you all that yes, there will be game this week and it will be in the new Casa del Geek at 3124 Logan Ave. Apt. G.

Downside, we have no furniture as of now so we'll have to kick it old school and sit "Indian style" on the rug. Alternately you are welcome to bring chairs and pillows. I will have out the pillows I have and probably my air mattress as well.

Upside, I will be cooking once again. This time it is curried chicken. I don't want to brag but I cook a pretty mean curried chicken.

For soda I can only promise the Diet Coke left from before. I have iced tea and might be convinced to mix up some horchata but I will not be able to pick up any more soda. Ergo if there are other beverages you are desirous of you may consider the event BYOB.

We will also be gaining our Geek to Girl translator. Sarah-Jean has agreed to join us. Luckily this fills the gap left by the passing of Krunk, he shall be missed. If anyone wants to gen a new character now is a prime time. ECL is currently 8 if I do my math correctly. I am excited to see what Sarah-Jean is planning to bring to the table.

ADDENDUM In order to cook I will need someone to bring a little bit of milk and a pound of skinless boneless chicken (breasts do quite well).

Wednesday, August 13, 2008

Session Four Recap

And when we said Uurgoth's destruction what we actually meant was we'll go do something else.

The session began with character creation as we added Carrie, our new elf ranger.

The game began with more investigation of the local temples. As the group headed to a new temple they were surprised by an elf falling from a nearby window into the street. followed by three orcs. No extra points will be awarded for guessing the elf's identity. The orcs were chasing Sephora following a botched attempt to break into a local temple of Boccab. Further investigation revealed that the temple was home to a lost idol of Gruumsh. An ill advised request to the giants to have the idol removed ended up rocketing it into the mountains on the Northwest side of the valley. Having it safely out of the valley made the party feel a little better.

However, it came out that the orcs have been assembling a super weapon with the other two idols of Gruumsh. This revelation and the return of two battered drow with stories of the power of Uurgoth's weapon encouraged the party to look for yet more help. A trip to the Vale brought the party up against an undead hoard. Having come through the rigors of the journey the party met up with Yrgot the mighty, a half fiend of unspeakable power. His demeanor was friendly though Nameless told the party to that this was a fifty fifty chance. He gave the party tools to aid in the journey. The journey back out of the vale was uneventful.

Session Called-
No levels gained
Total Loot: Belt with arrow shaped buckle, Holy Symbol of Obad Hai, Double axe of Immobility, Rapier of Potentialities, 1 crossbow and bolts.

Wednesday, August 6, 2008

Session Three Recap

I realize this should have gone out a long tie ago especially since of those of you who actually read this thing one of you actually could have used the update. I'm sorry.

That being said when we last left our heroes they had just made an alliance with the giants of the fangs. Through bribary and dealing the adventurers convinced the giants to help out. The deal was, though, that in exchange for the Giant's assistance the heroes would have to kill the lone orc chieftan resisting the orc pact.

Upon returing to town from the Giants the party got wind of a meeting to take place on South Peak and, with intentions of reconnaissance decided to go using their lone orog representative as cover. On the way to the South Peak the party stopped in Boorbok and were caught in an orc invasion. The heroes managed to escape and continue on their way but the burning town over their shoulders reminded them of the importance of their mission.

Crunk played his part well ingratiating himself with the orc chieftain and challenging a out of place orc to a fight outside of town. The orc turned out to be the elf assassin from the towns, the one the party had originally intended to head off. It turns out he is a quite powerful ally by any estimation. They returned to the orc encampment with a more unified plan and made an agreement with the orc chieftan. He will stay out of the fight but only if his missionaries are allowed to do their work during the fighting. An accord was reached and the party departed to go back to the ruined town.

The town of Boorbok was almost a total loss. bodies and burned homes littered the streets. the few survivors remaining spoke of Uurgoth descending from the mountains and killing the leader of the war party. After Uurgoth barked orders in orc the assembled warriors fell in line and marched from the towns.

As they entered Boothearth after surveying the damage they witnessed the parade of the drow guard. The town's elite guards were leaving for Bear peak to exact revenge for the destruction of Boorbok. They refused to have any non drow join them and the heroes agreed only because they had more pressing matters to attend to. A message was sent to the giants and they should arrive soon. The drow were leaving too soon to allow the giants to join their strike force.

Soon after the Drow left an explosion rocked the city. investigation brought the party to the temple of Pelor where the assembled priests lamented the destruction of their holy symbol. What was once a great focus of Pelor's power and a tool used to restore Boorbok after the Goblin Kobold Wars was now an assortment of metal shards. Further investigation showed that the eye of Gruumsh had been painted onto the holy symbol which corrupted Pelor's conduit and caused the explosion.

Confused and distressed the heroes decided that the time had come to strike hard. The time for thought had passed. As soon as the Giants arrive in town the time will be ripe for Uurgoth's destruction.

Session called-
One level gained
Total Loot: 125 Gold, 1 orc double axe, six axes and one wonderous marble elephant figurine.