Friday, February 18, 2011

PWG- Session 2

P'thanwy, clearly tired of their insolence, uses mass hold person to bind the heroes in place. As they stood, stuck and immobile she placed a "mark of justice" upon them making a big show of the punishment in front of the citizens who had witnessed the destruction. "I banish you from the Northlands" she said, "Should you enter any town allied to me you will activate this mark and misfortune shall follow you. You have one day to leave this place." With that, she left and the spell broke. The citizens who had been watching began edging their way out of the tavern leaving the party to themselves.
*500 xp for the combat.
All that remained in the bar are the barkeep and a bard who had been the night's entertainment. Using his bardic knowledge he remembered that P'thanwy appeared about 12 years ago having no known school or place of origin. It was also revealed that Rakinov comes from similarly cloudy origins. He agreed to join them in their journey to Innsmouth.
The party secures rooms from Al who was actually better off for the whole thing due to the local custom of getting to rifle through the pockets of the deceased who are killed on one's property. It's sort of frontier insurance.
The next morning the party wastes no time getting out of town. At first light they meet with Rendo, taking on his cargo of wood harvested on the elemental plane of fire. It is both warm to the touch and resistant to burning making it great for houses here in the north. Having checked the legitimacy of the cargo they bought rafts for the caravan, trading the horses for a discount. (30GP for the rafts)

Six hours into the journey the party's progress is interrupted by an Iron Golem who stands up from the river saying, "I hold the way." He did, in fact for a while but was quickly destroyed by the party.
*450xp for the combat.
They continue on their way and make camp for the night in a clearing near the river. Camping is made much more comfortable by the use of Leomund's Tiny Hut, a magic shelter Alica knows how to conjure. They set their watches and in the seventh hour of the night their alarm spell goes off. A werewolf lord bounds in from the woods and attacks Krell who is on watch. The threat is quickly neutralized and luckily the lycanthropy danger from a bite is quickly neutralized.
*500xp for the combat

Loot -
GP -30 GP for the rafts
XP 1500xp

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