Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Session 36-37

After that bombshell the party decided that the time was ripe for ending the conflict. Sweetening the pot was the nameless drow illusionist finding them in the temple to tell them that Ma'son Colborel's digging has unearthed something horrible. The drow who were controlling the constructs are now rounding up their comrades and throwing them into the dig site. Ma'son managed to escape somehow.

The party wasted no time going straight to Ma'son's old camp, the ruined city of Boorbock. It was more ruined then they had remembered but they found Ma'son easily enough. He was holed up in the Kobold king's palace. After some conversation convincing him to join in the fight he started talking to no one and then attacked the party. As he got near to death he disappeared and four drow soldiers appeared in his place (session 36).

Knowing that things were definitely coming to a head the party began gathering their allies and went home to Boothearth to meet with the council of elders before the final march to the meeting of the rivers. General Pravus took over control of the united armies of the Valley and named the party his head shock troops. They made their way straight to the dig site and promptly came under attack. Zombie drow poured over the edge of the river and beset the party. After dispatching the threat the party made their way into the dammed in dig site in the midst of the river. as they walked toward the pit they can hear the shambling of more zombies (session 37).

[EDIT] The party dealt with the zombies handily but upon reaching Remul's chamber The evil proto-lich opened with the instant death of his brother, Alem. The party fought Remul in an epic battle. after finally wearing him down the final blow was dealt by Smooth Pebble and her scale of infinity. Remul's "death" was punctuated by a blast of elemental energy which seems to have vaporized the party save for Smooth Pebble, Mordecai, Rocky and a kitten which happened by (and got hit by some of the elemental energy).

Levels Gained: 1 [+1]
Party ECL: 14 [15]
Loot Gained: Loads of masterwork drowcraft weapons.

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