Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Session 27 Recap

The party rushed post haste from the palace and scene of their most daunting battle in recent memory. As they crossed the portico the visitor badges they had been issued glowed and froze them in place. A hold spell had been activated. As the heroes stood, powerless to stop it, the entire compliment of the palace emptied around them and called to Ma'son Colborel. He was pleased to see the party had returned in tome to see his moment of glory. He them displayed a black banner with a simple symbol on it, a coffin pierced by a sword. With the banner furled he placed a circlet on his head and from behind him came sixteen silver men. Having gloated sufficiently he then ordered the party be stripped of their possessions and thrown into the pit of evil that he had opened in his camp.

The evil of the pit was met by the holiness of the few artifacts which were left with the party. Specifically Kaa Russ' Hat of humility which began to glow with holy light and encompass the party. However, the glow took a heavy toll. When the light subsided and they found themselves in the bottom of the pit the party found that Kaa Russ and Sephora had been taken from them. Their presence had been completely erased save for the holy hat itself and a note inside which read "There is always help in a temple of Elhonna".
At the bottom they found three new companions. One, a draconic general, one a halfling druid and the third a half gnome-half dwarf bard. United by the pit they found themselves lifted out. The nameless drow illusionist had returned, he has been deep undercover as a drow with an American accent in the camp. He warned them that the evil Ma'son was about to unleash was beyond any of them. He had managed to retrieve a few of their things, the weapons they had been wielding during the capture, but their packs and other belongings had been taken somewhere he could not go. he then opened a dimension door to just outside the camp and bid the party farewell.

Finding themselves free The party made a temple of Elhonna their first stop. The greeting they received was warm, as is expected at a temple of Elhonna. There was a great feast of woodsy foods and a round of healing for all. The priestess was distressed by what they told her but was not surprised. She knew it was only a matter of time before Ma'son mounted an attack on her temple. The Druid had a religious experience and conversion. The vision he was given drew him to the chimney over the alter. Confused they continued to explore the temple. The chapter house of the Ancient and Holy Order of the Seed proved interesting and led them to a secret chapel. a secret passage around the roof led them to a throne and audience chamber of Elhonna. The Druid had another vision, this time longer. Elhonna told him that in the beginning of time Remul, an early necromancer had challenged the power of the Gods. She and her fellow deities Pelor, and Vecna created the Orcs as a race with no fear of death to combat him. She fears it may ultimately not have been enough. Mordecai, who was present for the vision, is still dubious about the whole thing.

After resting for the night the party met with the Order of the Seed and got the blessing of one of its members to re-equip themselves from the storehouses of Boothearth.

Returning to the city, the party visited the house of ruling where the leaders of the crippled town held office. They asked Alander of the Elves to convene the elders. While waiting, the party visited the storehouses to stock up on armour.

Levels Gained: none
Loot so far: armour and weapons

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