Thursday, September 15, 2011

The Seven Kingdoms in the Fifth Age

The fifth age of our world began on the day the magic died. There are many who hold that it lasted until
the final emperor fell and the kingdoms declared fresh borders. We all know that without the magic of
the scrying towers the Emperor had lost his power. From that day our world has been changing. With
the magic missing things began to fail and fall apart. Magic cities were trapped within their own walls.
Kings died in their useless magic armour. We needed to adapt.

First there was upheaval. The Emperor’s fall was marked by the sacking of the imperial city by
marauders who were quick to bring mundane weapons to bear. Former mercenaries, outlaws and
brigands banded together and became armies against the established order. Emperor Ma’el escaped
to parts unknown and the empire fractured. The hardy people of the north came together tightly in the
vale, Baskov and Fezzock’s Mill. The people of the East got the worst. Magic was all they had. The gods
of Kai’roh were oddly silent and Dalim had no Gods of their own. Cazatlan, though, showed us all what
power faith gives us. The great Coatle sent to guard them still circles their city today.

We of the desert kingdom came out best of all. Without magic or trust we stepped into our rightful
place. With our horses and our wagons we crossed the deserts and with us came the fates of all the
people of the land. Now the Calwa people sit at the center of the former empire serving as the catalysts
for the still reeling continent to trade and live in this harsh world. Our God, Oponne, protects us and
guides us into this new age of our dominion.

The Northlands- Baskov, the Vale and Fezzock’s Mill- Stable production economy. Hardy people
producing furs, weapons, pottery and other non-art trade goods.

Innsmouth- Still the main trade hub for all of the goods coming out of the Northlands. Also major
supplier of fish.

Mauritania- Trades with the lands across the sea. Also major supplier of fish caught in the coastal
waters. Dealt with the loss of magic very well due to having lost much of their magic during the
elemental wars.

Cazatlan- In economic decay but surviving through the grace of their gods. Produce some exotic goods,
mostly food and dyestuffs.

Dalim- The economy is bolstered by being the only intermediary between Kai’roh and the rest of the
continent. Otherwise this place has no magic and no gods. Dalim has become a den of scum and a home
for brigands of all sorts.

Kai’roh- Thjeir gods have forsaken them and their magic is gone. Their art is still prized but their
population has decreased steadily.

Oponne City (formerly the Imperial City)- We are growing rapidly, rebuilding what was once the Empire’s
seat into a city worthy of us. The sacking left us very little to use but also very little to remove. We are
growing rapidly and maitain our superiority.

Friday, September 2, 2011

The end of the arc

The party seconds after the death of P'thanwy witnessed the rise of Remul, the undying, God of elemental death magic. After a hard battle he was killed in the past by Lilia in the future by Freemont and then finally in the past once more when his phylactery was destroyed finally by Mordecai's demonic fire. In that moment the world went white. Mordecai and Smooth Pebble were presented with the choice of two doors. One door reminded each of their home. The other bore a golden image of them carved in gold. For the others each was presented only with the glorious golden door. All stepped through.

"so you see, things have not always been this way. In the old times the world was filled with magic bourne of knowledge and study of the arcane arts. Centuries have passed since the day the magic died. The people of the empire worried so much about it that little attention was paid when the remains of the Old Temple of Creation disappeared from under our noses. I and my compatriots in the Arcane Brotherhood believe that all of the magic of our world is trapped in that enormous piece of glass.
Sadly, that is all the legend tells us of the quest of these heroes. We know, of course that Emperor Regis Ma'el unified the continent and brought peace to. Te empire through his alliance with the unified tribes under the Warlord Lilia, queen of the desert. We know also that the Lighthaven torch brought light and heat to the Northlands. The empire has been enriched by the gold of the songdwarves who reeatablished contact with the surface at the insistence of Alica Carmen.
What became of Smooth Pebble and Mordecai Exodus? Surely one of them must have the Old Temple Stone with them. So I charge you with this quest to find the fate of these heroes and restore the magic to our world."
Delivered by Brelynn Moonshadow in the 304th year of the fourth age.